The Port of Bergen has entered into a framework agreement with Multiconsult concerning the relocation and further development of the port.
The framework agreement includes assistance with planning and regulatory work, as well as the design and preparation of tender documents for development projects. It is valid for three years, with the possibility of an extension for 3+2 years. Link Arkitektur is the subcontractor for the project.
The first major project is a new zoning plan for Bergen Port Ågotnes, which includes the design of new quays and a business park.
Multiconsult has already carried out tasks for Bergen Port, such as:
- A multidisciplinary concept study for the future freight port at Ågotnes
- A preliminary cost estimate showing the possibility of phased development of a new port facility at Ågotnes
- Development plan for Dokken Jekteviken 2023–2050
- Planning initiative with supporting documents for Skoltegrunnskaien
Regiondirektør Andrè Teigen i Multiconsult og direktør Michal Forland i Bergen Havn ved kontraktssignering